
挪威 / 风力发电 / Power plant

Geitfjellet风电场 is located in Snillfjord in Trøndelag county.

Geitfjellet风电场 is part of the Fosen Vind project, Europe’s largest onshore wind project. It will consist of 43 turbines, with a rotor diameter of 136 metres. The installed capacity will be 180,6 MW, and the planned annual production is 548 GWh.

Geitfjellet (Photo: 奥勒·马丁·沃尔德)

Construction of the wind farm began in 2018, and completed in 2020.

阅读更多 about the Fosen Vind project here.


公司 所有权份额
十大最好的网赌平台 52.1%
北欧风力发电协会 40%
TrønderEnergi 7.9%


  • Number of turbines: 43
  • Planned production: 548 GWh
  • Installed capacity: 180,6 MW
  • Planned completion: 2020

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