
挪威 / 风力发电 / Power plant

Hitra风电场 is located on the island of Hitra in Trøndelag county.

  • 2004
    Entered into operation
  • 55 MW
  • 156妇女和

The wind farm was opened in 2004. It consists of 24 wind turbines, each with an installed capacity of 2.3 MW.

This gives Hitra风电场 an overall installed capacity of 55 MW, corresponding to an annual mean production of 156妇女和.

Hitra风电场 (Photo: 十大最好的网赌平台)

The wind farm has been expanded through the Hitra 2 project, where construction started in 2018. Hitra 2风力发电场 consists of 26 turbines and has an installed capacity of 93.6 MW. It is a part of the Fosen Vind project, where 十大最好的网赌平台 has an ownership share of 52 per cent. Read more about the Fosen Vind project here.

Hitra风电场 (Photo: 十大最好的网赌平台)


公司 所有权份额
十大最好的网赌平台 100%

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