Øvre Bersavatn power plant

挪威 / 水电 / Power plant

Øvre Bersavatn power plant is located in the mountains above Tyssedal in Ullensvang Municipality, Vestland县.

  • 2005
  • 6 MW
  • 27.1、妇女

Construction of the Øvre and Nedre Bersåvatn power plants started in May 2003, and the plants were commissioned in 2005.

Øvre Bersavatn power plant is equipped with a Francis turbine which uses a maximum height of fall of 162 metres.

The two small power plants use the height of fall between the three reservoir lakes Vendevatn, Øvre Bersavatn and Nedre Bersåvatn in the Mågeli watercourse. The power plants only make use of existing regulation capacity and diversion tunnels that were built for Mågeli power plant.


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  • Øvre Bersavatn power plant
    Øvre Bersavatn

    Øvre Bersavatn power plant

  • Øvre Bersavatn power station and its discharge.
    Øvre Bersavatn

    Øvre Bersavatn power station and its discharge.

  • Machine hall with Francis turbine.
    Øvre Bersavatn

    Machine hall with Francis turbine.

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